Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week 4 EOC: There's an app for that

The new up and coming app developed by the "garage" company Oh_Caden has created an app that allows users to manage all of their social networking accounts and music from a single application. The Portal app not only allows people to instantly and simultaneously update and post, but also allows you to build games, calculate split checks, tips, and invoices, and it links directly with your contact lists from your phone and Skype. The demographic originally was directed towards young adults and their social circles, but a surprising amount of technologically illiterate senior citizens are anticipating this new tool. Founder of Oh_Caden, Caden Calvert, says that "Now a days technology is advancing and changing so rapidly, that if you weren't raised learning and using technology, like their younger counterparts, then you would be sh*t out of luck." Logic like this cannot be argued, as most young adults who constantly get asked to assist their progenitors in doing the most simple of tasks on a computer. Typically the Baby Boomers had to do manual work and provide for their families by the sweat of their brow or going to the office to bring home the bacon. Presently the Bread winners are usually those parents that went to college to either get married or learn a specific vocation. This group of potential customers have a basic understanding of these "new fangled contraptions" and are quite proficient at even the simplest act of attaching a document to an email.   The buzz that is spreading about this up and coming app, is getting investors excited and thrilled that this “Little Engine that could” company and what they will come up with next. If you don’t have any followers or friends and don’t know how to function online, we highly recommend this application for you.

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